*Update. I don't really know much else about the death of the baby except what the news has told us. (you can google it.) I do know that the lady keeping the baby had approximatley thirty kids (under 4) in her care. The limit is 12 for an in home daycare. My friend has found another place for her daughter to go to school at. I can't imagine the trust that has to be healed.
My MIL called to ask us to pray. Here is the situation as she knows right now...
About 2pm, the Art teacher at her school got a phone call and ran out of the building. A few minutes later her fellow Kinder teacher got a phone call and ran out too.
The daycare that their kids go to is a home care thing for teachers' kids. A mom had come over during her lunch hour to nurse her 3 month old child. After finishing, she gave him some Zantac. The baby was still really upset and crying when she left. The sweet couple that takes care of the kids thought that the baby was just tired and needed to lay down and take a nap. So, they laid the baby in the crib. He cried for about 15 minutes and then stopped. When the couple went in to check, the baby had passed away. 911 was called, but there was no life.
This is all I know at this point. We don't even know their names. But, Jesus does. Lord, be near.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Christmas #1
Mema and Pawpaw's House...
Well, I had a stomach virus this day so I stayed in the bed trying not to contaminate the family. I did have to come out for about 20 minutes to open some gifts and have a few crackers and water.
The pics are so fun! I so wish I could have been there in person to see the girls sweet girls. Jared's family is extremly thoughtful! They really think about each person and what they would like. Klaire got her red chair like Karoline's last year. This makes me happy. I now have the pair for the playroom. Their names look so precious on those chairs. Not to mention the girls' love them!!! Karoline got an awesome vacumn cleaner. I think it actually works too! She is a lover of cleaning tools. Kim gave the girls some super sweet PBkids babydoll extras. Karoline has not left the diaper bag for Dandy at home yet! This was our first time to realize that Karoline "knows" what is going on. So fun!
Oh, the food. We could just stop here. Mema KNOWS how to cook a feast for a king! I think I just drooled on my laptop. Delish.
(jared has these pics too. i will update later with pics)
Well, I had a stomach virus this day so I stayed in the bed trying not to contaminate the family. I did have to come out for about 20 minutes to open some gifts and have a few crackers and water.
The pics are so fun! I so wish I could have been there in person to see the girls sweet girls. Jared's family is extremly thoughtful! They really think about each person and what they would like. Klaire got her red chair like Karoline's last year. This makes me happy. I now have the pair for the playroom. Their names look so precious on those chairs. Not to mention the girls' love them!!! Karoline got an awesome vacumn cleaner. I think it actually works too! She is a lover of cleaning tools. Kim gave the girls some super sweet PBkids babydoll extras. Karoline has not left the diaper bag for Dandy at home yet! This was our first time to realize that Karoline "knows" what is going on. So fun!
Oh, the food. We could just stop here. Mema KNOWS how to cook a feast for a king! I think I just drooled on my laptop. Delish.
(jared has these pics too. i will update later with pics)
Christmas #4
Christmas Eve...
We drove from Texarkana to Denton and arrived about 7pm. We walked into such a sweet aroma of goodies! Homemade pizzas...melt my heart. I love that I have be allowed to join the Billups family traditions. They are a people made of traditions. EVERYTHING is a tradition. It is so fun! After a tasty dinner, we began. Ryan read the Christmas story this year out of Luke. We then sang Happy Birthday to Jesus! I tend to hum/mouth along since my voice is not what you would call pretty on a video camera. We open family gifts on Christmas Eve only. Kalah, Ryan's sweet girlfriend, opened her gifts first because she had to head home early. She gave the girls the most wonderful homemade dolls! Then, we started with Klaire, Karoline, Ryan, Brigette, Brandon, Krystal, Jared, Mimi and Grandad. We then start over and keep going until we are done. Each person HAS to go over to the fire place before opening the gift otherwise they cannot be properly video-ed and viewed by all. I will say this is still a bit intimidating to me even now. Still, so fun! The gifts are always so creative! They ranged from toothbrush sterilizers to putt putt games to thrones to fondue pots and on and on. Brigette (and Brandon, Ryan) gave me such a sweet gift. She knew that I wanted to add some frames and pictures to my collage below my stairs. So, she printed and framed some fabulous photos for me! One is a picture of the first snow on our house...I will treasure these forever! One is of Jared and I at his Ordination into the ministry. Priceless. After gifts, we cleaned up and readied the house for the morning guest!

We drove from Texarkana to Denton and arrived about 7pm. We walked into such a sweet aroma of goodies! Homemade pizzas...melt my heart. I love that I have be allowed to join the Billups family traditions. They are a people made of traditions. EVERYTHING is a tradition. It is so fun! After a tasty dinner, we began. Ryan read the Christmas story this year out of Luke. We then sang Happy Birthday to Jesus! I tend to hum/mouth along since my voice is not what you would call pretty on a video camera. We open family gifts on Christmas Eve only. Kalah, Ryan's sweet girlfriend, opened her gifts first because she had to head home early. She gave the girls the most wonderful homemade dolls! Then, we started with Klaire, Karoline, Ryan, Brigette, Brandon, Krystal, Jared, Mimi and Grandad. We then start over and keep going until we are done. Each person HAS to go over to the fire place before opening the gift otherwise they cannot be properly video-ed and viewed by all. I will say this is still a bit intimidating to me even now. Still, so fun! The gifts are always so creative! They ranged from toothbrush sterilizers to putt putt games to thrones to fondue pots and on and on. Brigette (and Brandon, Ryan) gave me such a sweet gift. She knew that I wanted to add some frames and pictures to my collage below my stairs. So, she printed and framed some fabulous photos for me! One is a picture of the first snow on our house...I will treasure these forever! One is of Jared and I at his Ordination into the ministry. Priceless. After gifts, we cleaned up and readied the house for the morning guest!

Christmas #3
I have to say that I look forward to these three days ALL YEAR! I don't really get to see this side of the family often but absolutely LOVE when I do. We had the best time!
It is so strange when you do only see people once or twice a year because they change so much in between. I barely could recognize Cindy's family! They have all grown up! Kaitlin is so beautiful and such a fashion icon! Nick is (and always has been) so wonderful to just be around. He is laid back, funny and has fantastic hair! Both of them are such great kids...the kind of kids you want yours to be! Cindy has really committed herself and family to eat healthy this last year, exercise and be in all over health. You can tell! She looks beautiful! I love to watch her husband John. He is a great example of what a Dad does. He plays with his kids, laughs, jokes! He ALWAYS kisses the girls goodbye and shakes Nick's hand before he leaves the house. love that! He and Cindy have always exemplified a strong marriage to me. They are so in love and it's written all over them both! So cute!
I get to see Scott's family a little more often because they live in the metroplex but still not enough. Morgann turned 16 during our visit so we got to share in her lovely princess party. She is a beautiful dancer and loves to just be still with me and hang out. Makenzie is precious! She always has a humdinger of a story to share with me! She will laugh, cry or just be with you! Matthew is the newest blessing, coming in a almost 3 years old. He is one heck of a good ball player! Scott and Christy always have great wisdom for my job. They both come from a school background and give me great insight! I love to watch Scott just aggravate the girls...it's true love!
Aunt Gene and Uncle Joe are as close to a set of grandparents as you can get! They love my family dearly and never miss a moment to see us! I can't wait to be married for 60+ years!
Mamaw and Poppy never change! I love that you can predict each one of their movements before they do it. They are both very routine people. They both love to give to us with their time, hands, gifts and words. They are super cute together! You defiantly are missing out if you haven't met them!
My parents were there too, but I will talk about them at their Christmas...
Well that went on longer than I thought...
Christmas was filled with every fudge, praline and fudge that I have every seen! Mamaw can whip those things out quicker than you can ask for some. Amazing.
Jared, I and the girls were blessed by everyone this year! My family is so creative and thoughtful in their gifts! Thank you all!
Missed you as we drove out of the driveway.

I have to say that I look forward to these three days ALL YEAR! I don't really get to see this side of the family often but absolutely LOVE when I do. We had the best time!
It is so strange when you do only see people once or twice a year because they change so much in between. I barely could recognize Cindy's family! They have all grown up! Kaitlin is so beautiful and such a fashion icon! Nick is (and always has been) so wonderful to just be around. He is laid back, funny and has fantastic hair! Both of them are such great kids...the kind of kids you want yours to be! Cindy has really committed herself and family to eat healthy this last year, exercise and be in all over health. You can tell! She looks beautiful! I love to watch her husband John. He is a great example of what a Dad does. He plays with his kids, laughs, jokes! He ALWAYS kisses the girls goodbye and shakes Nick's hand before he leaves the house. love that! He and Cindy have always exemplified a strong marriage to me. They are so in love and it's written all over them both! So cute!
I get to see Scott's family a little more often because they live in the metroplex but still not enough. Morgann turned 16 during our visit so we got to share in her lovely princess party. She is a beautiful dancer and loves to just be still with me and hang out. Makenzie is precious! She always has a humdinger of a story to share with me! She will laugh, cry or just be with you! Matthew is the newest blessing, coming in a almost 3 years old. He is one heck of a good ball player! Scott and Christy always have great wisdom for my job. They both come from a school background and give me great insight! I love to watch Scott just aggravate the girls...it's true love!
Aunt Gene and Uncle Joe are as close to a set of grandparents as you can get! They love my family dearly and never miss a moment to see us! I can't wait to be married for 60+ years!
Mamaw and Poppy never change! I love that you can predict each one of their movements before they do it. They are both very routine people. They both love to give to us with their time, hands, gifts and words. They are super cute together! You defiantly are missing out if you haven't met them!
My parents were there too, but I will talk about them at their Christmas...
Well that went on longer than I thought...
Christmas was filled with every fudge, praline and fudge that I have every seen! Mamaw can whip those things out quicker than you can ask for some. Amazing.
Jared, I and the girls were blessed by everyone this year! My family is so creative and thoughtful in their gifts! Thank you all!
Missed you as we drove out of the driveway.

Monday, January 5, 2009
Christmas #2
The afternoon kicked off with Christmas with Greg. He is our sweet friend from Temple that graces us often with a stay in the upstairs guest room. He is a faithful brother to Jared and I. The girls just adore him and vice versa. It was a wonderful Christmas. I have to admit that my cheesy gift paled in comparison to his generous creative gift, but I think he liked it.
Then, we went to the Carols and Candlelight service. Beautiful!
We then headed over to the Durhams' for pizza. Jared was helping Greg put his gift for the D kids together!
Finally about 11pm...(yes, I know.) We began. We decided this year to have a small intimate family Christmas with just the four of us on the Sunday before we left town for all the major festivities. We really did not want to drag gifts from here to Timbuktu and back again. It was nice to just be us. I can't remember the last time I got to give Jared a gift with just the two of us! I love watching his expressions! He always gets so excited no matter how lame my attempt at a gift. Karoline had watched me wrap them and put them under the tree weeks before and patiently waited till we gave the OK. She would sweetly open one and then give one to Klaire. Klaire really only wanted to eat the paper so Karoline kindly helped her. Karoline would then give one to mommy and daddy. We then enjoyed some snacks and put the girls in bed.
It was defiantly a new tradition!
(Jared must have downloaded my pics on his computer...I will update pics later.)
Then, we went to the Carols and Candlelight service. Beautiful!
We then headed over to the Durhams' for pizza. Jared was helping Greg put his gift for the D kids together!
Finally about 11pm...(yes, I know.) We began. We decided this year to have a small intimate family Christmas with just the four of us on the Sunday before we left town for all the major festivities. We really did not want to drag gifts from here to Timbuktu and back again. It was nice to just be us. I can't remember the last time I got to give Jared a gift with just the two of us! I love watching his expressions! He always gets so excited no matter how lame my attempt at a gift. Karoline had watched me wrap them and put them under the tree weeks before and patiently waited till we gave the OK. She would sweetly open one and then give one to Klaire. Klaire really only wanted to eat the paper so Karoline kindly helped her. Karoline would then give one to mommy and daddy. We then enjoyed some snacks and put the girls in bed.
It was defiantly a new tradition!
(Jared must have downloaded my pics on his computer...I will update pics later.)
Back in the Saddle
This will be quick. So...I am back at work. YUCK! Not that I don't enjoy teaching little kids the letter A 19 times, but I so ENJOY MY GIRLS MORE! These last two weeks have been two of the most wonderful weeks of my life. I have gotten to put my girls down for sleep, wake them up for breakfast, rock them, chase them, tickle them, bath them, laugh with them...oh my gosh I have to stop talking I am getting all teary again! Anyways...It is such a wonderful taste of what is to come! Glory! I miss them already!
I hope to post Christmas jazz soon! Happy New Year!
I hope to post Christmas jazz soon! Happy New Year!
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