We drove from Texarkana to Denton and arrived about 7pm. We walked into such a sweet aroma of goodies! Homemade pizzas...melt my heart. I love that I have be allowed to join the Billups family traditions. They are a people made of traditions. EVERYTHING is a tradition. It is so fun! After a tasty dinner, we began. Ryan read the Christmas story this year out of Luke. We then sang Happy Birthday to Jesus! I tend to hum/mouth along since my voice is not what you would call pretty on a video camera. We open family gifts on Christmas Eve only. Kalah, Ryan's sweet girlfriend, opened her gifts first because she had to head home early. She gave the girls the most wonderful homemade dolls! Then, we started with Klaire, Karoline, Ryan, Brigette, Brandon, Krystal, Jared, Mimi and Grandad. We then start over and keep going until we are done. Each person HAS to go over to the fire place before opening the gift otherwise they cannot be properly video-ed and viewed by all. I will say this is still a bit intimidating to me even now. Still, so fun! The gifts are always so creative! They ranged from toothbrush sterilizers to putt putt games to thrones to fondue pots and on and on. Brigette (and Brandon, Ryan) gave me such a sweet gift. She knew that I wanted to add some frames and pictures to my collage below my stairs. So, she printed and framed some fabulous photos for me! One is a picture of the first snow on our house...I will treasure these forever! One is of Jared and I at his Ordination into the ministry. Priceless. After gifts, we cleaned up and readied the house for the morning guest!

I am loving that you guys have to in front of the fire place to open your gifts! That's greatness.
I am a fan of the traditions as well!
The family pic in front of the tree turned out precious! We love our fondue set and iHomes! I think we will get more use out of them once we have a house and are married.... :) Love you!
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