I have to say that I look forward to these three days ALL YEAR! I don't really get to see this side of the family often but absolutely LOVE when I do. We had the best time!
It is so strange when you do only see people once or twice a year because they change so much in between. I barely could recognize Cindy's family! They have all grown up! Kaitlin is so beautiful and such a fashion icon! Nick is (and always has been) so wonderful to just be around. He is laid back, funny and has fantastic hair! Both of them are such great kids...the kind of kids you want yours to be! Cindy has really committed herself and family to eat healthy this last year, exercise and be in all over health. You can tell! She looks beautiful! I love to watch her husband John. He is a great example of what a Dad does. He plays with his kids, laughs, jokes! He ALWAYS kisses the girls goodbye and shakes Nick's hand before he leaves the house. love that! He and Cindy have always exemplified a strong marriage to me. They are so in love and it's written all over them both! So cute!
I get to see Scott's family a little more often because they live in the metroplex but still not enough. Morgann turned 16 during our visit so we got to share in her lovely princess party. She is a beautiful dancer and loves to just be still with me and hang out. Makenzie is precious! She always has a humdinger of a story to share with me! She will laugh, cry or just be with you! Matthew is the newest blessing, coming in a almost 3 years old. He is one heck of a good ball player! Scott and Christy always have great wisdom for my job. They both come from a school background and give me great insight! I love to watch Scott just aggravate the girls...it's true love!
Aunt Gene and Uncle Joe are as close to a set of grandparents as you can get! They love my family dearly and never miss a moment to see us! I can't wait to be married for 60+ years!
Mamaw and Poppy never change! I love that you can predict each one of their movements before they do it. They are both very routine people. They both love to give to us with their time, hands, gifts and words. They are super cute together! You defiantly are missing out if you haven't met them!
My parents were there too, but I will talk about them at their Christmas...
Well that went on longer than I thought...
Christmas was filled with every fudge, praline and fudge that I have every seen! Mamaw can whip those things out quicker than you can ask for some. Amazing.
Jared, I and the girls were blessed by everyone this year! My family is so creative and thoughtful in their gifts! Thank you all!
Missed you as we drove out of the driveway.

The picture of Klaire with the bow around her head is probably my favorite picture of her!!
Mine too!
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