Thursday afternoon...Jared graduated with his Masters of Christian Education with an emphasis in Worship Leadership. Go Jared!!! Pictures to come, I haven't downloaded yet!
Friday...Jared, me and the girls headed to
Las Colinas to close on our very first house! As we were hurrying inside, we each had one of Karoline's hands and lifted her up the two small stairs and thought nothing else about it. She instantly started screaming bloody murder like we have never seen in 16 months. I kinda laughed it off to the strangers staring at us, while looking at Jared thinking,"What is wrong with our kid????" We tried for the next 15 minutes anything and everything to calm her down and NOTHING worked. This is when I knew something was wrong. Mind you, the entire time this is going on we are trying to sign our life away with this table of business
savy people in suits. Oh my, I don't even want to know what was going on in their heads if it was anything like their faces. I don't know if they were annoyed, feeling sorry for us, wanting to call CPS or maybe needed a pill of sorts, but anyway. Karoline was not using her left arm at all (which was the one I was holding...yep, rub it in) so I decided to call the doctor (of course, it is now 5:03pm, so no answer). They sent us to the Referral Care Center at
CMC for a look. I love this place because it is kinda like reservations. You just show up and they take you back, paperwork already done. You just have to sign and pay. Lovely. Karoline finally fell asleep on the way to the hospital and chilled out. She didn't even cry when we got to the
RCC. I get really tickled at her because she couldn't figure out why her sweet little arm would not hold her juice or Dandy. I am sure the nurse thought I was so inhumane. Anyways, the doctor said it was a radial head
sublaxation. Basically, it was a partial dislocation of her elbow or a "nurse's maid". In less than 10 seconds, she snapped it back in. WOW! Karoline cried for about 20 seconds and was fine.
Saturday grandparents came for some quality time with girls. Karoline played her piano while singing and dancing for them.
Klaire slept sweetly in my Aunt Gene's arms. We had a yummy lunch at Boston Market before taking a look at the new house.
Saturday afternoon...Lib came over to help me pack. Jared got a hair cut. Ashley came over for me to do her make up for prom...She looked beautiful in her HOT pink dress! I love her!
Sunday morning...Karoline poured milk down her brand new dress (matching
Klaire!) So, of course I had to change both of them. Jared did another PHENOMENAL job of leading us in worship. John spoke about Daniel. It was a message just for me! He spoke about how when we are leaders, no matter what capacity, we are targets for Satan and guarding our integrity to protect us from the enemy and jealous or critical others. We had a "meet the staff" lunch. Thank you Mrs. Pat for a tasty lunch. We loved meeting the Roach family and Corbett family.
afternoon...After a much needed nap, Jared left for rehearsal, mission trip training and children's performance. I decided to take the girls on a shopping date with Aunt Lib. We ventured in Target for about 3 hours. It was WONDERFUL to be out and be out with help! Thank you Jesus for sweet friends who will follow you around for hours holding your babies! We picked Jared up from church and grabbed a pizza from the parlor and enjoyed it at Lib's new pad. At Lib's, Karoline had something come over her...she took off her diaper! What?!?! Yep, and she tinkled on the floor twice. Is this the start of the part of parenthood when you have to
apologize for your kid?
All in all, it was a blessed weekend at home with the family! Wish me happy packing!!!