In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling. Exodus 15:13

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Big Day

This is going to be a big day in the life of Klaire Grace Billups.

It's going to be a great day!
My heart is anxious. I'm not scared or even afraid just ready to move forward. We are excited to see God move!

Klaire has really progressed over the last month. She is starting to makes some sounds. Nu=No is a big one. She has started signing to us using more, give me, kiss, bite. I have really been encouraged with how fast she is picking up these signs. J and I started sign classes at the school district this month. It's been overwhelming but very good. We are picking it up too.

We will arrive at 6:30a, procedure is scheduled for 8:45a...

Let's rise up around her, believing that God will reveal His good and perfect will to us so that we may continue to equip her to fulfill what He has called her to do!


The McCoys said...

I am praying and thinking about you guys today. Love y'all!

leah said...

Our prayers are going out to you, too! One way or the other, at least you will have a better picture of what is going on. Blessings!!