In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling. Exodus 15:13

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm still here...

Hello out there!

I totally apologize for the long delay in a new post and pictures. Life has been a whirlwind of sorts and we are moving with it!

Here's a rundown...
-New Years' was peaceful. The family and I stayed home and enjoyed each other. My biggest resolution is to live with simplicity (Foster's Disciplines). To learn that I don't have to have or be anything but what God tells me. My kids don't have to dress or have everything in every color, size and shape. My house doesn't have to look like a Pottery Barn catalog. My car doesn't have to be the nicest, newest in the neighborhood. These things trip me all the time. More with thoughts than actually having them. I want my mind and my heart to not desire the things of the world. I want to teach my children by example what simplicity really is. It's not having nothing but having everything in Christ.

Karoline turned 2...
-What an awesome day! She was loving life and loving her friends! Some family and friends came over that day for some pizza, cake and presents. Ashley brought Karoline breakfast and a Uniqua balloon that morning! KJ just loved her gifts. It's so fun that she is now aware of the celebration! On that next Saturday, we had an Itsy Bitsy Breakfast for her and her sweet friends. About 12 of her friends came over and enjoyed pancakes and a bounce house (donated by Grayson!). I just love watching her play with her friends. I have a whole post for this event, so I will wait to keep talking.

-I could just tear up! She is now wearing Karoline's clothes from her 1st birthday. I don't know why this has been emotional for me. They have always shared clothes, but for some reason this is different. Klaire is starting to walk. She wants to hold your fingers and go, go, go! She can say "ma ma" and "da da". She is just the sweetest thing in the world!

-Both girlies have been struggling this new year with colds, ear know the list. I think they are both pretty good now. Karoline has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. We are looking at having her tonsils/adnoids removed in June. Anybody have any good advice for toddlers and surgery. I know it's not a huge deal but it is when it's your baby. We go back in a month for a sleep study.

Jared and I...
-We have been having more dates!!! Thank you Lord! I have been so proud of us for making time for each other. I didn't realize it would be so hard to "date" again. We went to dinner the other night and out to The Village. I couldn't tell you the last time we had dinner out without food being thrown at us, a child screaming, or shoveling food down our throats! :) It was lovely!

I have tons and I mean TONS of pictures! Have patience with me. They are coming!


Its just me...ASHLEY! :) said...

Im so happy for you and J-red! I LOVE YOUR FAMILY!! i am in constant prayer for you guys!

The Ellis Family said...

Caleb was 18mths old when he had his tonsils and adnoids removed. It was kinda hard, but it was in God's hands, which made it a lot easier to deal with! That was the best thing ever though! Since then Caleb hasn't had a sore throat or ear infections!! That's a long time!! Especially when I think to those first 18 months and can't remember a time he wasn't on antibiotics for one or both of those. It's very normal for them to have a fever after the surgery, so a couple days Caleb had this bright pink cheeks because he was so hot! He just wanted to cuddle! He also had a raspy voice, I thought was cute! So it wasn't bad at all. Get ready for that cuddle time and think of how nice it will be to cut down on cost of doctors, prescriptions, etc.! Also, how much better and happier Karoline will end up feeling!