Jared, the girls and I met Brigette (soon to be SIL) at a bridal shop in Southlake to try on the most gorgeous bridal gown. Trust me when I say gorgeous, that I mean GORGEOUS!!! After we got finished, her fiance (my BIL) met us for dinner at Snuffers in Southlake and then walked with us as we shopped around.
I had been complaining for months that my one pair of jeans (yes, I know. It's sad. I only own one pair of jeans)didn't fit. They had were my post maternity jeans if that tells you anything. (I gained 40 lbs with each kiddo) Let's just say that they didn't look so swift.
So...he told me that I should get a couple of pair of jeans. We went to Buckle and spend about 1 1/2 hours. No luck. I was so discouraged. I just don't want to look like a rocker, middle schooler or someone who is yelling,"Hey, check out my goods!" I just want to look like a cute, hip mom with jeans that are flattering. Anthropologie is across the street and I didn't even ask to go because I know how expensive it is. I wanted to be a good steward and not take total advantage of my sweet hubs. But...he suggested we go. So we did. I headed back to the sale room and BINGO! I found two pair of precious Level 99 jeans half off and in my size. I ran to try them on and BINGO again! I loved them. Jared loved them. The sweet dressing room girl, Kate, loved them. All was good. We bought, ran to pottery barn to see Brig and Brando's dishes (Again, gorgeous!) and headed home.
Thank you Anthropolgie for carrying such precious jeans for me to find at such a lovely budget-wise price! And, Thank you, thank you with sugar on top to Jared for splurging on me!

During church on Sunday, a friend leaned over and told me that she had a bag for me. I asked what was in it and she just said some clothes. My eyes lit up!
*Backstory: I have gotten kinda skinny lately and most things just hang these days. But don't worry, I am working on gaining some back!*
I love clothes but these days I don't get to enjoy or indulge in it very often due to...well, there are many factors.
Anyways, I get home and open the bag...OH MY GOSH! It is a bag of the most wonderful treats from some of my most favorite stores! This friend has really, REALLY good taste and dresses to a T! I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe that she would be getting rid of such cute stuff! She blessed me so.
Here's to sweet, Lib! Thank you, friend! I feel so girlie and cute today at school in my new outfit!
I love your jeans!! I want a pair of those dark ones!!!
Good for you, girlfriend! There is nothing like quality denim on one's behind!
Yea! Those are REALLY cute jeans! As a mommy on a budget I understand being frustrated sometimes when I see my single &/or non-mommy friends in all the latest fashions..but I know that (a) I shouldn't envy what others have, and (b) I'd take being a mommy over new clothes any day!! (not to knock anyone with adorable clothes or non-mommies!)
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