In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling. Exodus 15:13

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Klaire's Appt

Klaire has an evaluation today with her speech therapist and ECI (early childhood intervention) specialist at our house. It is at 3pm. Should take between 45-90 minutes. We are evaluating the reasons behind her speech and communication delays.

Pray for...
-Klaire to be in a great mood. She has been kinda yucky due to teething, head cold, etc. Can't get her to nap today.
-Klaire to show her true colors. You know kids never do what the norm is when it counts. They need to see the real Klaire.
-Jared and I would understand what they tell us about her.
-Karoline would be occupied and not in the middle of the testing.
-The therapist/specialist to be warm and willing to work with Klaire on her level. Patience with her.
-Jesus would be honored and glorified through Klaire and us.

Thank you for lifting us up today...


Blissfully Enamored said...


good luck!! :)

C:M:W said...

I hope everything went good today for little Klaire! ECI comes to our house also ( twice this week), I hope your therapist was great!

Anonymous said...

How did it go? Praying for you and little Klaire!!