In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling. Exodus 15:13

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let's just play catch up...

-Thanksgiving was great. 4 days in Texarkana, 2 days in Denton, 2 days in Irving.
-Klaire is rolling EVERYWHERE and eating more than just formula!
-The laundry is still in the living room from...well I don't remember when but at least clean. Right?
-I have faithful friends.
-Jared is still as handsome and funny as ever.
-The Christmas tree is up and ACTIVE!
-13 days until I get out for the break...
-Almost all of the shopping is done.
-Jesus is closing doors BUT opening the windows.
-And...we paid all the bills on time!

-Karoline has knitted "no sir" on a blanket for the living room :)
-Quality not quantity
-Patience for all ages.
-To be good stewards during this season...
-humble pie does not taste good.

Hopefully, pictures will come soon! Happy Tuesday to you and yours!